Saturday, December 31, 2016

Welcome to a New Year!

Happy New Year!! Just minutes ago, we moved into a brand-new year here on the east coast. I'm still amazed at how quickly 2016 flew by, and that inspires me to make the most of each day in 2017, since the days won't be moving any slower *grin*.
For many years, I'd make a list of goals for the coming year. On December 31 I'd sit down and write out my "New Year's Resolutions" and feel determined that I'd keep them. Year after year I seemed to be listing the same basic goals: Exercise more; Worry less; etc. etc. But several years ago I read that some people decided to have a special word for the year, rather than a list of goals. Since then, I've been doing that too, and I really like that idea. I try to pray about what the Lord would have me to focus on for the upcoming year, and that's my "one word" for that year. Several years ago my word was TRUST, another year it was SERVE. Lately I've been praying but just couldn't seem to feel strongly about one word in particular. Until tonight - - right around midnight, the Lord gave me my word: PROCLAIM. I knew that's what I need to focus on this year. Whether it's in my speaking, writing, or actions - - I want to PROCLAIM the love of Christ in my daily life. Of course I can only do this with God's help, so I am trusting Him to guide me throughout this new year. And I know He will!
    And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.  Colossians 3:17

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