Saturday, January 29, 2011

Thanksgiving in January

Yesterday when writing a check in the grocery store, the date seemed to startle me: January 28! Already the month of January is almost gone for this year--how can that be? Didn't we just have Christmas? ~ Later in the day I once again thought about how quickly this month is zipping by, and I also thought about the different "types" of days I've experienced this month. There have been many "sunshine" days--when I've enjoyed special times with family or friends, or received a good report from my doctor. But there have also been "dreary" days--when my physical state and emotions seemed to match the gray, dreary weather we were having that day. But I always have to remember that if we never had those dreary days, we wouldn't fully appreciate the sunshine! ~ So I must remember to be thankful even for the dreary days and make the most of them, because every day is special and a gift from God. So I will try to greet each morning with a thankful heart and make the most of that day--whether the sun is shining or not!