Monday, January 27, 2014

JOY in January

We're approaching the end of January, and as I think back over the weather we've had so far in this new year---it's been very unpredictable. Today was almost spring-like in my area, yet tomorrow we're supposed to receive SNOW! We've had some extremely cold, windy days with lots of sunshine. Other days have been dismal and dreary, with gray skies and no sunshine.
But even on those days of bleak-looking weather, we can rest assured that the spring season will arrive before too long, and brighter days will be plentiful.
So often in life we might go through bleak times, and our mood might feel dismal--but we can rest assured that even in those times, our Lord is in control. For a Christian believer, we have the assurance that no matter what our circumstances, we are never alone---the Lord is always with us. Most importantly for Christians, we know that we will live forever with our Lord, and that thought alone should give us JOY that can brighten even the darkest of days. No matter what we're going through or might encounter in this new year, we know the Lord loves us and is with us. What a JOYful thought!!

...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
                                                                       Psalm 30:5

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