Monday, February 11, 2013

Raindrop Blessings

Early this morning I put together a bag of clothes and books to give a women's shelter in my county. After I tied and labeled the bag, I placed it on my front porch for the shelter worker to pick up. As I stepped onto my porch, the February wind blew, rain was coming down, and the trees waved their bare branches. After I scurried back inside my warm cozy house, I thought about the women and children who might be staying at the shelter. No, I don't personally know anyone there, but my heart is burdened for those people. It's wonderful that there is a shelter where they can take refuge in crisis situations. However, I feel certain those folks must long for their own home. Having those thoughts made me feel extra-thankful for my many blessings today---although I am certainly not wealthy nor do I live in a mansion, I have all I need. A nice warm home, food, clothing, and the list goes on and on. As the rain has continued to pour down today, hearing the pitter-patter of the raindrops outside has reminded me that my blessings would exceed the number of raindrops coming down---WOW! What an amazing thought---but it's true. I could begin making a list of my many blessings, but I couldn't finish...because the list would go on and on. ~ So on this cold, rainy day I give the Lord thanks for my warm home, and ALL of my many, many "raindrop blessings" that I could never finish counting. ~ O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good: because His mercy endureth for ever.  Psalm 118:1


Sandra Orchard said...

And I thank the Lord for you. You're such a wonderful encourager. :)

CatMom said...

Awwww....Sandra, you're so sweet. Thanks for stopping by, dear friend!