Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Brand-New Year

Happy New Year! It's hard to believe I'm about to hang another calendar on my wall---this time for 2013. Wow! I know I'm not alone in often wondering "where the time goes"---lately I've heard many people saying that very thing. ~ Lots of folks make resolutions, set goals, or choose one word for the new year--including me. So as we begin a brand-new year, I want to focus more on how I can serve the Lord. That has led me to choose the word Service as my "one word" for this year. ~ Since I've struggled with time management and being organized, I know I must manage my time and my belongings better. I realize in doing so I will always have time to SERVE the Lord---because I'll have more time to read my Bible, serve my family, and serve others, rather than wasting time looking for misplaced items or feeling flustered because a day went by and I didn't accomplish much. ~ May 2013 be a blessed year for us all, and may I always be willing and ready to Serve in whatever way the Lord allows.
Shew me Thy ways, O Lord; teach me Thy paths.  Psalm 25:4

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